The latest work in the series connects Hirosaki to Iran. In making the work, Ozawa found himself at the mercy of world events. For example, rising tensions following the U.S.’s killing of an Iranian military commander in January 2020 led to a travel ban to Iran, and then, just as restrictions were being lifted, a new ban was imposed due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Thus Ozawa’s request to shoot in Shiraz, where the subject of this work, Shuji Terayama, had taken part in an art festival, was denied. Miraculously, the work was completed thanks to the support and cooperation of numerous people, with whom Ozawa developed a relationship of mutual trust during two research trips to Iran. These included the members of Otagh Band, the painter Mohammad Ali Heddat, a team of Iranian cameramen who provided remote shooting support, and the coordinator Megumi Shimizu, who displayed great resourcefulness in making last-minute arrangements. Kaoru Osanai’s Tsugaru-jamisen music combined with the electric sounds of Otagh Band created a link between the scenery of Japan and Iran.
シングルチャンネルビデオ 11分53秒
The Return of S. T.
oil on canvas: set of eight works
Single-channel video 11:53