「スラグブッダ88 -豊島の産業廃棄物処理後のスラグで作られた88体の仏」
開館時間:9:30 ~ 16:00(最終入館15:30)
鑑賞料金:ベネッセハウス ミュージアムの入館料に含む(ヴァレーギャラリー現地でも同チケットを購入可能)
ベネッセハウス(所在地:香川県香川郡直島町)の開館 30 周年となる 2022 年、ベネッセアートサイト直島における安藤忠雄の9つ目の建築、草間彌生、小沢剛の作品などによる「ヴァレーギャラリー」、そして、ベネッセハウスパークにおける杉本博司氏の作品空間をさらに拡大・整備した「杉本博司ギャラリー 時の回廊」がオープンしました。
Slag Buddha 88-Toyoshima’s slag after industrial waste treatment
(Permanet exhibition)
The Valley Gallery, Benesse Art Site Naoshima
Benesse Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, hereinafter: Benesse) will open two new art facilities in 2022, which is the 30th anniversary of the opening of Benesse House (Naoshima Town, Kagawa District, Kagawa Prefecture). “Valley Gallery”, the ninth architecture designed by Tadao Ando at Benesse Art Site Naoshima , and “Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery Toki”, which further expanded and improved the work space of Hiroshi Sugimoto at Benesse House Park, which opened in 2006. Corridor “.
The Valley Gallery is located in the mountains between Benesse House and the Chichu Art Museum. Yayoi Kusama’s “Narcissus Garden” was exhibited on a large scale, and Tsuyoshi Ozawa’s “Slag Buddha 88-Toyoshima’s slag after industrial waste treatment”, which has been permanently exhibited next to the pond since 2006, was made. The 88 Buddhas will also be partially modified so that you can experience the resonance of nature, architecture, and art more deeply.